Motivation is the single most important determinant of satisfaction, success, and longevity in any endeavour. Where there is a strong motivation in your projects or your career choices, there is an almost limitless well of energy and even excitement. This assessment measures the motivations that power your career choices and everyday work. The closer the work you do matches your career motivations, the more opportunity you have for success by any measure. The more distant the work you do every day is from the description of your motivations, the more dissatisfaction, unrest, and stress you likely experience in your work-life.
Knowing your career motivation values gives you new power in your career and development choices, helping you to steer yourself towards areas of continued success, interest, and satisfaction.
In the survey there are thirty-six pairs of reasons given by people when they are asked about what they need and want from their career. You must evaluate the relative importance to you of the statements within each pair where 3 = Most Important and 0 = Not at all Important.
You must ensure that each completed pair has three points (no more, no less). No draws are allowed.
A word of warning before you complete the questionnaire, sometimes you will find yourself struggling to compare two items, which appear equally relevant or irrelevant. But please persist. The technique forces you to weigh difficult choices and produces a more accurate report. There are no right or wrong answers - it all depends upon personal preferences, so please be as honest and objective as you can. Don’t dwell too long on each of the questions, it’s important to trust your instinct.
Work through the questionnaire quite quickly; ten minutes is usually long enough.
Privacy Notice
The Career Motivation Values survey is a learning and development tool, designed to assist participants in self and external awareness of their leadership competencies. Please note that any feedback you provide for others will remain anonymous. Where requested by the company, reports will be compiled, showing self and external assessment points, with the external assessment being the average, consolidated perspective of this external group, without referencing any names. For the purpose of analysis of responses to the P4EQ-360 Degree Leadership Competency Traits Assessment, by this assessment, I give my consent to Ingenium Training and Consulting acting as a personal data operator, for automated data processing and (or) without using such means, of my personal referenced data.